marți, 16 martie 2021

International Haiku Contest of the Haiku Society of Constanta (Romania)

The Haiku Society of Constanta in Romania (founded by Ion Codrescu in 1992) establishes an international haiku contest on the following subject : the raging sea, in remembrance of the Fukushima nuclear disaster ten years ago.
This contest is opened to adults and children (7-19 years old).
Submit two haiku (not previously published in any form and not submitted in any other contest) within the 5-7-5 syllable pattern (no strict syllable count) in English and in your original language, from March 15th, 2021 to May 15th, 2021.
Write your haiku in the body of the email, stating your city and country.
For the adult contest, email your haiku to:
For the children contest, email your haiku to :
stating the age and the class of the child, and the name of the teacher.
Composition of the jury for adults :
Nicole Pottier (FR) – president of jury
Iulia Ralia (RO)
Jean Antonini (FR)
Florin Grigoriu (RO)
Vasile Moldovan (RO)
Composition of the jury for children :
Daniela Varvara (RO)- présidente du jury
Virginia Popescu (RO)
Vasile Conioşi-Mesteşanu (RO)
Camelia Suciu (RO)
Anastasia Dumitru (RO).
Prizes will be some diplomas : 1st prize « Albatros », 2nd prize, 3rd prize and up to 10 commendations.
Criterias for selection: all the haiku have to be related with the chosen theme : the raging sea, kigo, solid construction, original association between two distinct parts, the exhibition of sentiments and a simple description should be avoided.
Winners will be announced mid-August 2021, in Constanta (Romania). Jury’s decision is definitive and irrevocable.
Good luck to all !
Nicole Pottier

Un comentariu:

  1. Hi there,

    I am trying to submit my haiku to the contest 'The raging sea' but the email bounces back and shows error.

    Please guide.

    Thank you.

    Hifsa Ashraf
