vineri, 26 ianuarie 2018

Concurs internaţional organizat în Serbia

The festival Srpsko pero from Jagodina announces the haiku contest for the best haiku on the international haiku scene. Authors from all countries can participate in the contest. 

The topic is free. 

Propositions: an author can send two haiku poems to the following email address: 

Deadline is March 20, 2018. 

Jury will chose one winner haiku and select ten more which they find the best and publish them in the magazine Novi put from Jagodina. There is a possibility of printing a miscellany as well.

duminică, 21 ianuarie 2018

Concours « Un haïku pour le climat 2018 »

Participation : 01/02/18 - 30/04/18
 Résultats : 11/06/2018

Dans leur vie de tous les jours, de nombreux citoyens ont entrepris de réaliser leur transition. Alimentation, dépenses énergétiques, actes de consommation, rapport à la nature... individuellement, ils tentent de changer leurs pratiques. Le CLER - Réseau pour la transition énergétique leur donne la parole chaque année à l’occasion d’un concours de haïkus sur le thème de l’énergie et du climat. Leurs poèmes sont autant de messages, rédigés seul ou collectivement, pour la protection de l’environnement.

Passez à l’acte poétique !

Le haïku ? André Duhaime a défini ainsi cette forme poétique originaire du Japon : « Un haïku, c’est tenter de dire l’instant dans l’instant. C’est un fragment, un flash, une poésie de la vie. C’est une forme d’écriture brève qui va droit au but et montre en trois lignes un moment privilégié de la vie. » Exercez votre plume et exprimez votre fibre poétique en partageant avec nous vos haïkus.  Nous les posterons sur ce site et sur le compte Twitter du concours @Haiku_Climat à notre communauté de poètes militants.

Vous souhaitez participer ?

Avant toute chose, merci de prendre connaissance du règlement du concours ci-dessous. Nous vous invitons aussi à consulter les palmarès des dernières éditions ici, ici et ici

Règlement du concours « Un haïku pour le climat » 2018

Le présent règlement définit les conditions de participation au concours de haïkus, merci de les lire intégralement avant de nous poster vos propositions !
Consulter la publication


A l’issue d’un vote en ligne, les haïkus qui auront reçu un maximum de suffrages de la part des internautes seront imprimés dans les revues Gong de l’AFH et Cler Infos, ou mis en ligne sur la base de données documentaires en ligne du CLER et sur les sites partenaires. Des livres leur seront également offerts.

Qui organise le concours ?

Le CLER – Réseau pour la transition énergétique, en partenariat avec :
  • Les Grands-Parents pour le climat
  • L’association francophone de haïku (AFH)
  • L’association négaWatt



sâmbătă, 20 ianuarie 2018

HAIGA – Santoka

Theme: No theme
Entry: Open to anyone
Fee: No fee
Haiga: One unpublished haiga
Haiga should be submitted in jpg format, longer side not to be smaller than 4000pcx. Submissions smaller than 4000pcx will not be taken into consideration as the selected haiga will be printed on minimum A3 size for exhibition purposes.
Files should not to be bigger than 15mb.
Haiku words must be embedded in the haiga image.
Watermarks and name of author/authors should not be embedded in the haiga image.
Language: English (+ optional mother tongue)
If the haiga has been done in your mother tongue, you will need to provide an English translated version, along with your mother tongue version, in the body of the email.
Style: Free style
Period for submission: Monday, 11th December, 2017 – Thursday, 1st February, 2018
Jury: representative on behalf of Association Santoka – Damir Damir, and Steven Gray, visual artist
Results: Announced Thursday, 1st March, 2018 via the website (
The exhibition of chosen haiga will open on 1st March, 2018 as part of the first day of The Month of Japanese Culture festival hosted at University Library Belgrade, Serbia.
Prizes: 50$ for 1st place and e-diplomas for 1st place and runners up.
Prize money will be paid via a Paypal account or in cash during the festival in Belgrade.
Send submissions to:
Submissions only accepted by e-mail.
The subject line of your email should be “santoka haiga”.
Write the haiku in the body of the e-mail + attach haiga.
Name your haiga file: First name_Last name_Country.jpg
(Example: John_Doe_Serbia.jpg)
Sign your submission:
First name + Last name
Street + House number
Zip code + City
E-mail address
*Image author first name + Image author last name
If you are not the author of the image that accompanies your haiku, please write the name of the image author also.*
(Example: John Doe, Zetska 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia,, Jane Doe*)
For more information write to us at:
IMPORTANT INFORMATION – Please read before submitting
Haiga must remain unpublished elsewhere until the results have been posted. By sending a haiga, the author agrees to being published without pay in a catalogue for the Haiga exhibition. All submissions must be original (including permission to use the image from the original author), unpublished work that is not under consideration by a print or web-based journal. While posts on Internet sites such as the authors own Facebook, Instagram or Twitter etc. are eligible, posts on blogs are not.
Association Santoka will not be held responsible if a third party seeks damages, complains or objects to the use of a submitted work that has been deemed to infringe on a previously held copyright.



HAIKU – Submission Guidelines
Theme: Peace (the theme word is not required but should be clearly referred to in some form)
 Entry: Open to anyone 
Haiku: One unpublished haiku 
Language: English (+ optional mother tongue) 
Style: Free verse
Period for submission: Monday, 11th December, 2017 – Thursday, 1st February, 2018

Jury: representative on behalf of Association Santoka – Damir Damir 

Results: Announced Thursday, 1st March, 2018 via the website (
Presentation of the haiku publication Peace, with chosen haiku, will be on 5th March, 2018 at The Month of Japanese Culture festival hosted at University Library Svetozar Marković, Belgrade, Serbia, where Association Santoka will be hosting the program in the period 5th – 9th March.Prizes: 50$ for 1st place and e-diplomas for 1st place and runners up.
Prize money will be paid via a Paypal account or in cash during the festival in Belgrade.
Send submissions to:
Submissions only accepted by e-mail.
The subject line of your email should read “peace”.
Write your entry in the body of the e-mail, attachments will not be accepted.
Sign your submission:
First name + Last name
Street + House number
Zip code + City
E-mail address
(Example: John Doe, Zetska 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia,
Fee: No fee
For more information write to us at:
IMPORTANT INFORMATION – Please read before submitting
Haiku must remain unpublished elsewhere until the results have been posted. By sending a haiku the author agrees to being published without pay in a planned publication. All submissions must be original, unpublished work that is not under consideration by a print or web-based journal. While posts on Internet sites such as the authors own Facebook, Instagram or Twitter etc. are eligible, posts on blogs are not.
Association Santoka will not be held responsible if a third party seeks damages, complains or objects to the use of a submitted work that has been deemed to infringe on a previously held copyright.

The 2018 Betty Drevniok Awards

Send your submission to
with Drevniok Awards 2018 in the subject line.

Deadline: January 31st, 2018.

Send up to three haiku in the body of your email, (not as an attachment) followed by your snail mail address and phone number.
Please use email if possible. 

If no access to email, send your submission to:
Drevniok Awards
49 McArthur Ave.
Carleton Place, On, Canada
K7C 2W1

joi, 4 ianuarie 2018

Wild Plum Haiku Contest 2018

  • only one unpublished haiku per person (multiplied submissions will be rejected)
  • one line or three line haiku accepted (no strict syllables count)
  • theme: free
  • deadline: 28 February 2018
  • results announcement: no later than 1 May 2018
  • judges: Maria Tomczak and Gabriel Sawicki
  • prizes: diplomas for the winners
  • send your submission to:

marți, 2 ianuarie 2018


-Concursul Genjuan încurajează scrierea unui haibun în limba engleză.

-Subiectul poemului poate fi oricare. Trebuie să fie scris în spirit haikai (haiku legat subtil cu proza).

-Lungimea poemului: de la 7 la 35 linii. (O linie are 80 spații. Un haiku are 3 linii, titlul scurt al haibunului are o linie).

-Se scrie haibunul pe o coală de hârtie A4 şi pe spatele colii se trec datele poetului: nume, adresa postala, nr.telefon, adresa de email.

Taxa de participare – zero.

Se pot trimite 1, 2 sau 3 haibunuri la acest concurs.

-Intrebări se pot adresa prin email la:

Rezultatele concursului se vor stabili în luna mai 2018, şi se vor trimite mai întâi anunţurile prin email la poeţii câştigători.

Poeţii vor trimite haibunurile cu fiecare haibun separat pe o coală de hârtie cu adresa lor pe verso. 
Termen limită de trimitere-până la 31 ianuarie 2018.

Haibunurile pentru concurs se trimit numai pe adresa poştală de mai jos (nu se admit trimiteri prin email):

2-11-23-206 JOKOJI, 
 HYOGO-KEN 660-0811,