miercuri, 24 februarie 2016

Living Haiku Anthology.

Entries of a maximum of two (2) haiku per person are invited for an adjudicated international haiku contest to mark the third anniversary of the Living Haiku Anthology.
No restrictions are placed on form, content and style however entrants are advised that the judges will be looking for evidence of poetic mastery and an appreciation of that which distinguishes haiku from any other short form of poetry.

Any haiku written in a language other than English should be accompanied by an English translation.

Over time the Living Haiku Anthology will continue to develop as the first stop venue for readers of the present (and the forseeable future) seeking to read what haiku are being written globally.
The winning haiku will be displayed on the home page of the Living Haiku Anthology as an exemplar of haiku being written in this second decade of the 21st century.
Entries (closing August 31 2016) will be accepted via email submission to poetryinsmallspaces [@] gmail [.] com (N.B. remove extra spaces and brackets). Haiku should be in standard text format within the body of the email (no attachments accepted).
First, second and third winning haiku and three (3) honorable mentions will be announced on September 27 2016.
Judging will be done in two stages.  In the first stage, the five judges will receive a blind copy of all entries received before the deadline and will select the ten haiku that each regards most favorably. 

The five first-stage judges are Alan Summers, Johannes S.H. Bjerg, Sheila Windsor, Greg Longenecker and Iliyana Stoyanova.
Their selections will be collected and passed to the final judging panel consisting of Michael Rehling, Jim Kacian and Michele Root-Bernstein.
The judge's decisions will be final and binding.  No correspondence will be entered into.

Contest judges and the LHA founders will not be eligible to enter the contest.

All entries must be the original work of the author and must not have been published or shared in any public venue or medium including Facebook, Twitter, personal blogs or websites.  Privately workshopped haiku are acceptable.
We look forward to being amazed,

Don, Hansha and judges

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