luni, 23 noiembrie 2015

Premio Mondiale di Poesia Capoliveri Haiku 2015 / World Capoliveri Haiku Contest 2015

Il Premio “Capoliveri Haiku”, promosso dal Comune di Capoliveri e dall’Associazione Culturale Versanti Poetici, è aperto ai poeti dei Cinque Continenti.
Il Regolamento prevede che gli haiku in concorso:
- rispettino la composizione poetica di una strofa, preferibilmente senza titolo, composta da tre versi, il primo e il terzo quinari, il secondo settenario;
- siano scritti nella lingua di apparternenza dell'autore e, se stranieri, siano tradotti in inglese  (in questo caso  senza obbligo  di rispettare strettamente la metrica del 5-7-5).
Sono previsti diversi temi, a libera scelta dei concorrenti, tutti rappresentativi delle peculiarità  naturalistiche del territorio dell’Isola d’Elbe e nel caso specifico del Comune di Capoliveri:
mare ,boschi, vigneti, miniere, lucciole, rondini, farfalle (di una specie unica al mondo) e orchidee (“Orchidea Capoliveri”).
Le domande di partecipazione al Premio dovranno essere indirizzate via email, inserendo da uno a cinque haiku nel testo del messaggio, e non come allegato.
È fissato al 31 gennaio 2016 il termine entro il quale inviare i testi all’indirizzo di posta elettronica:
I partecipanti dovranno indicare con chiarezza
•    nome,
•    cognome,
•    nazionalità,
•    paese di residenza,
•    indirizzo e recapito telefonico*.

La Giuria selezionerà, fra tutti coloro che hanno inviato i componimenti, quelli validi.  In una seconda riunione verranno scelti, fra coloro che hanno inviato almeno 4 haiku,  otto o più vincitori che fruiranno del soggiorno gratuito a Capoliveri in residence o in alberghi (bed&breakfast)  per due persone e per la durata di una settimana nel mese di settembre 2016 e parteciperanno alla Cerimonia di Premiazione.
Come negli anni scorsi verrà pubblicata un'Antologia contenente gli haiku dei vincitori e di tutti i poeti selezionati. Ai vincitori verranno consegnati, durante la Cerimonia di Premiazione nella Sala Consiliare del Comune di Capoliveri, un diploma e due copie dell’Antologia. A tutti i selezionati verrà inviata una copia dell’Antologia.
La partecipazione al Premio implica l’accettazione del Regolamento ed il consenso alla pubblicazione dei testi a cura dell’Associazione Culturale Versanti Poetici.
I risultati del Premio saranno resi noti entro il 30 marzo 2016 nel sito e i componimenti potranno essere oggetto di letture nel corso del “Festival Internazionale Le Voci della Poesia” a Capoliveri.
* Tutti i dati raccolti saranno utilizzati esclusivamente ai fini delle comunicazioni inerenti al concorso in oggetto e per la spedizione dell'Antologia del 2015, a titolo completamente gratuito.

World Capoliveri Haiku Contest 2015

The Prize "Capoliveri Haiku", promoted by the Municipality of Capoliveri and by Associazione Culturale Versanti Poetici, is open to poets of the Five Continents.
The compositions must :
- be written in author's mother tongue
- respect the metric of  haiku’s verse :  no title,  three lines, the first and the third consisting of five syllables, the second of seven;
- be translated into English without obligation to adhere strictly to the metric of  5-7-5.
The authors are free to choose among  different themes, all representative of the natural features of  Isola d’Elba and particularly of  Capoliveri’s area:
sea, forests, vineyards, mines, fireflies, swallows, butterflies and orchids (Ophrys “Capoliverii”).
Applications for participation should be sent to, inserting from one to five haiku in the message text, and not as an attachment.
The deadline is set at January 31, 2016
Participants must indicate clearly
•    name,
•    surname,
•    nationality,
•    country of residence,
•    address,
•    postal address and telephone number *.
The Jury will select, among all, only  the valid ones.
At the Jury’s second meeting will be chosen (among those who have sent at least 4 haiku)  eight winners who will benefit of free accommodation in Capoliveri in residence or hotels (bed & breakfast) for two people, for a period of one week in late September 2016 and will participate in the Awards Ceremony.
As in past years the winners haiku  and the selected poems will be published in an Anthology. The winners,  present in Capoliveri, will receive a diploma and two of Antology's copies, everyone else will receive a single copy.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the rules and consent to the publication of the texts by Associazione Culturale Versanti Poetici.
The results of the Prize will be announced by  March 31, 2016 on the site
The poems may be subject to readings during the "International Festival The Voices of Poetry" in Capoliveri.
* All data collected will be used solely for the purposes of the communications relating to the competition in question, and shipping  the Anthology of  2015 at no charge.

The Sixth Vladimir Devidé Haiku Award is now accepting entries.

VDHA2016 is an open competition for previously unpublished haiku written in the English language. The Award is for haiku regardless of whether in the traditional or modern style; it transcends haiku divisions and is based only on literary merit.
The Award was founded and is judged by H.E. Dr. Drago Štambuk, Ambassador of Croatia to Japan (2005-2010), currently in Brazil, and is organized by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) & The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship (LibrAsia), with the kind support of the Haiku International Association (HIA) and the World Haiku Association (WHA). Winners will be announced at The Sixth Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship, to be held Thursday, April 7 to Sunday, April 10, 2016.
Only previously unpublished haiku will be considered. Please submit just one entry (see below for submission form).
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2016.
His Excellency Dr. Drago Štambuk
Croatian Ambassador to Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela
Founding Judge
Read: Dr Drago Štambuk – “Haiku Consciousness”
Winning entries from The Fifth Vladimir Devidé Haiku Award 2015 can be found here.

14e concours de haikus de Taol kurun

Après le pied, la main, le coq, l’orage, la lumière, l'oiseau, le renard, le chant... c’est le vent qui a été choisi cette année par Alan Kervern.
La règle est simple : chaque candidat(e) envoie trois haikus (poème d’origine japonaise, en trois vers de 5/7/5 pieds en principe, un instantané venant de l’observation directe suscitant une émotion, un tremblement infime du monde), en français, breton ou gallo avant le 1er janvier 2016.
Il sera publié en ligne sur le site du festival, et la remise des prix aura lieu lors du festival, le samedi 23 janvier 2016 à 11h00, à la médiathèque d'Arzano. À vos claviers, stylos, plumes sergent Major !
À envoyer de préférence à partir du site ou sinon par courrier (voir adresse ci-dessous) ou par mail à Taol kurun



Dans ce concours, chacun adoptera le formule de son choix : trois vers concis illustrant une image, une émotion, haiku de 5/7/5 pieds environ ou haiku libre, avec ou sans allusion saisonnière.
Le thème retenu pour la 14e année rejoint celui du vent : tempêtes, petits souffles d'été, instruments à vent, brise de mer...
Trois catégories : les enfants jusqu'au CM2 et les collégiens, lycéens et les adultes, et trois langues : breton, français et gallo.
Les classes de la maternelle au lycée peuvent participer collectivement.
Chaque candidat pourra donc concourir dans l'une des catégories suivantes :les enfants jusqu'au CM2 et les collégiens, lycéens et les adultes,

Chaque candidat doit concourir dans sa catégorie d'âge, et dans la ou les langues qu'il souhaite.
Dans chaque langue, les candidats peuvent envoyer un maximum de trois haikus.
Chaque candidat enverra ces haikus à partir du sitepar mail ou par la Poste avant le samedi 1er janvier 2016.
En cas d'envoi postal, les poèmes ne seront pas retournés à leurs auteurs.
La proclamation des résultats de ce concours se fera le samedi 23 janvier.

The 8th International Tanka Festival 2016 Karuizawa Competition, Tanka in English

Call for ITF 2016 Karuizawa Competition
Open to everyone
Entry Fee: None Any number of tanka may be submitted.

Submissions:     Period: October 1November 25, 2015     Address for submissions:

ITF Karuizawa Competition
c/o Nihon Kajin Club
Shuei Bldg. 2F, 1-12-5 Higashigotanda,
Shinagawa ku, Tokyo, 141-0022, Japan

1. Tanka must be previously unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere.

2. Post one copy of each tanka with your name and address on the left side of paper. The length and width of paper should be approximately 18cm x 25.5cm.
 See the example of *‘Entry Form. The tanka submitted only in this form is acceptable. Entry is by mail only.

3. Any theme is acceptable. (Five line form only)

4.Winning tanka and commended tanka will be published in the Festival brochure.

5. Judging is anonymous

Prizes: The Tanka Journal Prize,
      Several Publishing Co.'s Prizes etc.

The 8th International Tanka Festival
The Karuizawa Meeting in 2016

NIHON KAJIN CLUB, The Japan Tanka Poets' Society is pleased to announce its 8th meeting to be held on June 5~6th, 2016 at Karuizawa, Japan.

Time and Date: June 5th (Sunday), 2016, 12:30~17:00
           June 6th (Monday)
                   One day trip in Karuizawa
Place: Grand XIV Karuizawa
       Tel: 0267-46-3331
       Address: Karuizawa-machi, Nagano Prefecture, Japan.

       Awarding ceremony, Speeches, Tanka Poetry readings, etc.

Mail address for application:$

sâmbătă, 21 noiembrie 2015

IRIS Little Haiku Contest

Limit 3 haiku/senryu on the theme of "light".

 Poets from the former Yugoslavia are welcome to send haiku in their native language; it will be translated into English and judged in the international section. 

Winning haiku will be published in IRIS journal in 2016 with the winning poets receiving a free copy.

Closes: December 31.

Cost: Free.



Samurai Haibun Competition

The theme is "the strength or power of nature", whatever it may be to you. 

Entries need not contain a direct kigo. 

Winning haibun will appear in the January 2016 issue of cattails.

Closes: December 15.

Cost: Free.

Full details from the:

Blood Donation Haiku Contest

Limit 3 haiku on the theme of "blood donation". 

The results will be announced in February 2016.  On World Blood Donor Day - June 14 - the prizes will be presented in person to those winners able to be present. Selected haiku will be printed in a joint collection in Croatian and English, and the authors will receive a gift from the Croatian Institute for Transfusion Medicine, Zagreb.

Closes: November 30, 2015.
Cost: Free. 

Email: (send your haiku in the body of your message and include: author name, address and email address).

luni, 16 noiembrie 2015

Mike Montreuil ne aminteşte că se organizează Le Prix Jocelyne Villeneuve 2016

 Haiku Canada est très heureux d’annoncer la cinquième édition du Prix Jocelyne Villeneuve pour le haïku francophone. Ce prix sera décerné en mémoire de Jocelyne Villeneuve (1941-1998), une des pionnières du haïku canadien-français. Ses haïkus ont paru dans diverses revues et anthologies au Canada, aux États-Unis et au Japon. Elle a publié les recueils: La Saison des papillons (Naaman, 1980), Feuilles volantes (Naaman, 1985) et Marigolds in Snow (Penumbra, 1993). Elle a également laissé le recueil inédit Bagatelles. 

Le premier prix est de 100 $CDN; le deuxième prix de 50 $CDN et le troisième prix, de 25 $CDN. Les compositions doivent être inédites. Elles ne doivent en aucun cas avoir été publiées ou soumises ailleurs. 

Il n’y a aucun frais de participation. 

Les soumissions devront être expédiées par courriel, et uniquement pendant la période de soumission qui s'étendra entre le 1er décembre 2015 et le 31 janvier 2016. (Les soumissions reçues avant ou après cette date ne seront pas lues.)


Sujet: soumission haiku 2016  

Tous les haïkus devront paraître dans le courriel même et non en pièce-jointe. Aucune soumission ne sera retournée.